Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunnah Acts of Juma

1. To take a bath.  (Bukhari , Tirmidhi , Ibne Majah)
2. To wear nice and clean clothes. (Abu Dawood, Chapter of Ghusal on the day of Jumu’ah)
3. To proceed early to the Masjid.(Tirmidhi ,Ibne Majah)
4. To go to the Masjid on foot. (Ibne Majah)
5. To try to sit as close as possible to the Imaam. (Ibne Majah , Tirmidhi)
6. If the Saffs (rows) are already filled, one should not jump over the shoulders of the musallies in order to get to the front.(Abu Dawood)
7. One should not do any futile action eg. one should not fiddle with one’s clothes or fingers. (Ibne Majah)
8. To listen to the Khutba attentively. (Tirmidhi ,Ibne Majah)
9. The person who recites Surah Kahaf on Friday will be bestowed with a Noor( Spiritual light) from under the Arsh (The Throne of Allah Ta’ala) which will extend from the earth till the sky and will benefit him in the darkness of the Day of Qiyaamah. All his (minor) sins which he had committed from the previous Jumu’ah up to this Jumu’ah will be forgiven. (Behishti Zewar)
10. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam) is reported to have said, “Recite Durood upon me in abundance on the day of Jumua’h since they are presented to me.” (Ibne Majah)
11. On the day of Jumua’h it is Sunnat to apply oil to the hair and to use itr or any other sweet smelling fragrance. (Bukhari)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

International Phone Numbers

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