Monday, November 29, 2010

Hadith of the Day

Hadith of the Day: Abu Musa al-Ash'ari RA narrated : The Prophet S.A.W said, "Whoever l0ves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him, and whoever dislikes to meet Allah, Allah dislikes to meet him." (Ravi Bukhari, Kitaabur Riqaaq : 6508) Less0n: Looking forward to meet your Lord, Allah Rabbul Izzat means doing the deeds He likes and showing ur utmost interest and love for the Day when we all have to return to our Rabb, The Final Day. One who loves to meet Allah SWT ultimately does things which are liked by Allah swt and refrains himself from doing even petty acts that may enrage HIM. We must also love to meet our Lord, by following all that HE has asked us to , and refrainign from sinfull acts, only by this we can expect the warm welc0me from the Lord of Universes, ALLAH SWT. InshaALLAH.

How to change / add google as default search option in chrome

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Best Of Google Demo Slam

I LOVED IT>> GOOGLE ROX! I have never seen product demo in this way! Fun and easy to understand

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What can you do to end violence against women? Take Back The Tech!

Takebacktech is trying to reach 10,000 views & comments before end of the campaign period on 10 Dec, International Human Rights Day. Help them hit that mark!

Remember this can be done by your sister, mother and daughter as well!

Embed, engage & enjoy :)

Techcrunch TV : Mistletoe, AirPlay, And Other Forms Of Near Field Communication