Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sunnah's to Follow in Ramadan

Sunnah's to Follow in Ramadan

1. Waking up to have suhūr, even if it is something little. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Eat suhūr for in suhūr there is blessing." [Narrated by al-Bukhārī and by Muslim]

2. Not delaying the iftār. The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said: "The people will remain upon goodness as long as they hasten in breaking their fasts" [Narrated by al-Bukhārī and by Muslim]

3. Supplicating throughout the day and night, especially during iftār time. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Three prayers are not rejected: the prayer of a father, the prayer of a fasting person, and the prayer of a traveller." [Narrated by al-Bayhaqi 3/345]

4. Spending the nights in prayer, as well as encouraging the family to do so. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Whoever establishes prayers during the nights of Ramadhān out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, all his past sins will be forgiven." [Narrated by al-Bukhārī]

5. Being generous and feeding the people iftār. The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever gives iftār to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without detracting from the reward of the person fasting." [Narrated by al-Bukhārī and by Muslim]

6. Staying away from all immoral acts, especially those of the tongue. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Fasting is not abstaining from eating and drinking alone, but it is also abstaining from vain speech and foul language. If one of you is being cursed or annoyed, he should say: I am fasting, I am fasting." [Narrated by al-Bukhārī and by Muslim]

7. Performing 'umrah. The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said: "Perform 'umrah when Ramadhān comes, for 'umrah in Ramadhān is equal to hajj (in reward)." [Narrated by al-Bukhārī]

"Ramadhān: The Month of Love" - Abu 'Abdir-Rahman Mohammad Navaid Aziz

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Unnecessary Exposure of Body.

For man [the part of body] from navel to knees is satr .i.e it must be covered.

"says that Conceal your satr, but from your wife or slave girl." Hearing this, the companions Razi Allah Anho asked what to do when one is alone in the house? Our blessed Prophet Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam replied "Allah deserves it more than others that you be shy of Him.

Has also prohibited us to look at others satr.

Note: Nowadays, fashion has dictated semi nudity for both men and women; shorts are commonly worn at home and in public without any regard or fear from Allah (S.W.T).

May Allah Give us Hidaya and forgive us. (Aameen)

Friday, May 11, 2007

A Beautiful Hadith

Rasulullah (Sallalloho alaihe Wa-aalay wasallam) said:

"When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there
an extremely handsome man by his head. When the dead body is
shrouded, that man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the
deceased. When after the burial, the people return home, 2 angels,
Munkar and
Nakeer (names of two special Angels), come in the grave and try to
this handsome man so that they may be able to interrogate the dead
man in privacy about his faith"

But the handsome man says, "He is my companion, he is my friend. I
will not leave him alone in any case. If you are appointed for
do your job. I cannot leave him until I get him admitted into

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says,
"I am the
Qura'an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud
and sometimes in a low voice."

Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will
have no grief. When the interrogation is over, the handsome man
for him from Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) a silk bedding
filled with musk.

Rasulullah (Sallalloho alaihe Wa-aalay wasallam)
said: "On the Day of Judgement,
before Allah, no other intercessor will have a greater status than
the Qura'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel."

Please keep forwarding this "Hadith" to all ....because
Rasulullah (Sallalloho alaihe Wa-aalay wasallam) said:
"Pass on knowledge from me, even if
it is only one verse".

Friday, April 27, 2007


When a man spends to support his family hoping (for Allahs reward) it is counted for him as Sadaqah.

Bukhari, Muslim


The vow neither hastens anything nor defers anything, but is the means whereby (something) is extracted from the miserly person.



The rider should first greet the pedestrian, and the pedestrian the one who is seated and a small group should greet a larger group.



The prayer in congregation is twenty seven times superior to the prayer offered by person alone.



By him in whose hand is my soul, a servant (of Allah) does not believe (truly) until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.

Bukhari, Muslim

Hadith 5

Visit the sick, feed the hungry and free the captives.


Hadith 4

Whoever has land should cultivate it himself or give it to his (Muslim) brother gratis; otherwise he should keep it uncultivated.


Hadith 3

The Strong man is not the one who is strong in wrestling, but the one who controls himself in anger.

Bukhari, Muslim

Hadith 2

The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, "The two months of íd i.e. Ramadan and Dhul-Hijja, do not decrease (in superiority).

Friday, April 6, 2007

Hadith 1

Abusing a muslim is sinful, and fighting (making war, qital) with him is (tantamount to) kufr .
Bukhari, Muslim